Sonnenuntergang im Washa Catchment in Äthiopien

Project Area

Ginde Beret

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Ginde Beret

Long-term capacity building for 137,000 people.

Since the beginning of 2011, Ginde Beret has been one of the project regions where the work is entirely financed by Menschen für Menschen Austria and implemented in collaboration with colleagues in Ethiopia who work hand in hand with the population.
In Ginde Beret the security situation is tense due to the activities of insurgent groups. In order to protect our employees, we have restricted or paused our work in these regions and some of our employees are being deployed in other project regions. As soon as the situation allows, we will continue our activities as normal. (Status 9/2023)

Overview of the project area

Project start:
1,200 km²
approx. 137,000
Main town in the region:
about 180 km northwest of Addis Ababa in the West Shewa zone. Between 1,000 and 2,600 meters above sea level.
Icon ProjektleiterIn Project coordinator:
Berhanu Bedassa

Challenges at the beginning of our work in Ginde Beret in 2011

As in many rural regions of Ethiopia, the majority of the population in Ginde Beret lives from the yield of fields that are often far too small. When we started working in the region in 2011, crop yields were much too low for most families. Progressive soil erosion, unreliable rainfall and ever decreasing soil fertility posed great challenges to the people. Other major problems in the region were the lack of access to clean drinking water, plus poor medical care. As in the neighboring region of Abune Ginde Beret, the eye infection trachoma was widespread in Ginde Beret.

75 % of the people did not have clean drinking water.

At the beginning of our work in 2011, 3 out of 4 people did not have access to clean drinking water.

63 % of children under 10 years of age were affected by trachoma.

Bacterial eye inflammation can lead to painful blindness if left untreated.

20 % Only 20 % of households used fuel-efficient stoves.

A fuel-efficient stove reduces the need for fuel by about half.
Explanatory diagram of the five sectors from Menschen für Menschen

What we’re doing in Ginde Beret

Based on the principle of capacity building, the Ethiopian employees of Menschen für Menschen have been implementing a variety of measures in the areas of agriculture, water, education, health, and income since 2011.

Project work is always implemented hand in hand with the population. Families actively participate in the initiatives, and completed projects are gradually handed over to the responsibility of the population and local authorities. In this way, an important foundation for further development is created and the entire region becomes independent of external aid in the long term.

Project report (excerpt)

Beyond the initiatives indicated here, further activities in the fields of agriculture, water, education, health, and income are being implemented in order to create a good basis for the sustainable development of the Ginde Beret region.

Status of the evaluation unless otherwise specified: 6/30/2020

98 Nurseries established

The nurseries grow trees, grasses and shrubs for reforestation, as well as fruit tree saplings for families. The nurseries are later transferred to the responsibility of the population or local authorities.

865 Hectares of land reforested

The saplings from the nurseries are planted in fenced areas in collaboration with the population. The village community takes care of the maintenance and protection of the reforestation areas.

159 Hand pump wells and spring catchments constructed

Wells and spring catchments are built near the villages. Clean, healthy drinking water sustainably improves people's health and saves them a lot of time collecting water.

13 Schools built

Schools supplied by Menschen für Menschen are built according to a proven principle that is characterized by a particularly robust construction. The schools can then provide a clean, bright place to learn for learning for decades to come.

4,260 Sight-saving operations performed

The main causes of blindness in rural areas are cataracts and trichiasis. The latter can be avoided simply through more hygienic living conditions. In the final stage, however, only surgery protects against blindness.

2,192 Women participated in the microcredit program

Microcredits often give women their first opportunity to earn an income on their own. The credit groups operate independently, and the entire region benefits from economic development in the long term.

The people behind the numbers: our success is measurable and changing lives.

To make our work's success verifiable, it's not just about the numbers and data, but first and foremost about the people. The following stories tell of the big and small successes achieved in Ginde Beret.


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What we’re doing in Ginde Beret. Insights into our work

We have compiled a few exemplary milestones and successes that show what has already been made possible in Ginde Beret with the support of our donors since 2011.
Projektbüro von Menschen für Menschen in Ginde Beret

The linchpin of the project work

At the beginning of our work in Ginde Beret, there were about 100 kilometers between the asphalt road that runs west of Addis Ababa and the capital of the region, Kachisi. Depending on the weather, it took five to seven hours over gravel and mud tracks to cover these 100 kilometers.

In order to be able to carry out the project work smoothly, a project office was set up in Kachisi, including a workshop, training center and guest accommodation. All work in the Abune Ginde Beret and Ginde Beret regions is coordinated and implemented from here.
Mann mit selbst hergestelltem Kleid in Äthiopien

Training for solar entrepreneurs

The construction of the Gara Gatama stairway gave project manager Berhanu Bedassa a gray hair or two. Construction of the steps proved to be a difficult undertaking. The stairway leads through a steep gorge which inhabitants of the lower regions had to cross, sometimes by climbing, to get to Kachisi, where the large market, secondary schools and the only hospital in the region are located.

In any case, the effort has been worthwhile: where accidents used to occur frequently, some of them serious, people can now even take the short route to the capital with packed donkeys.
Treppen in Äthiopien mit drei Eseln und zwei Menschen

290 steps to development

The construction of the Gara Gatama stairway gave project manager Berhanu Bedassa a gray hair or two. Construction of the steps proved to be a difficult undertaking. The stairway leads through a steep gorge which inhabitants of the lower regions had to cross, sometimes by climbing, to get to Kachisi, where the large market, secondary schools and the only hospital in the region are located.

In any case, the effort has been worthwhile: where accidents used to occur frequently, some of them serious, people can now even take the short route to the capital with packed donkeys.
Mann mit Sohn im Arm der einen Kohl hält in Äthiopien

Evaluation of the first project phase in Ginde Beret

In October 2013, at the end of the first project phase (2011-2013), the project work in Ginde Beret was audited by the independent consulting organization FAKT.

The project work was reviewed in terms of its relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and impact for the people of the region. In summary, all criteria were rated equally highly and Menschen für Menschen was confirmed as doing good work.
Olivia Rauscher bei SROI Fokusgruppe in Äthiopien

The social value of women's advancement

In 2015, experts from the NPO & SE Competence Center at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration investigated the overall social value of projects for the advancement of women in Washa Catchment, a sub-region of Ginde Beret.

This so-called “Social Return On Investment” analysis showed that every euro invested in women's projects generates an overall social value of around 27 euros.