These are our


Our Projects


It is our goal to develop entire regions in rural Ethiopia and make them independent of external aid. To achieve this, we implement well-coordinated measures together with the local population. At the moment, the association Menschen für Menschen Austria organizes the project work in four project areas. In another, we have already completed our work and handed the responsibility back to the population. In this way we enable successes that last.

Our Project Regions


All undertakings in the current project regions Albuko, Chobi, Jeldu, Abune Ginde Beret and Ginde Beret* as well as in the previous project area Derra is or was entirely financed by Menschen für Menschen Austria. The implementation of the individual projects always takes place in close cooperation with our colleagues in Ethiopia.


Since 2023 we and the local community work together towards the long-term development of the region.
Umriss Projektregion Chobi


Since 2021 we and the local community work together towards the long-term development of the region.
Projektgebiet Jeldu von menschen für menschen


Since 2017 we are also operating in the region Jeldu. Together with the population we established a foundation for integrated sustainable development within the region.

Abune Ginde Beret*

We have been active in Abune Ginde Beret since 2012 and in cooperation with the local community have already laid a solid foundation for further development.

Ginde Beret*

We have been working on sustainably developing the region Ginde Beret since 2011. Great achievements have already been made by working closely with the local population.


Between 1997 and 2010 the basis for further development of the region was laid in Derra by working hand in hand with local Ethiopians.
* In the project regions of Chobi, Jeldu, Abune Ginde Beret and Ginde Beret, the security situation is tense due to the activities of insurgent groups. In order to protect our employees, we have restricted or paused our work in these regions and some of our employees are being deployed in other project regions. As soon as the situation allows, we will continue our activities as normal. (Status 3/2023)

Development is only possible when everyone has the opportunity to improve their lives.

Quote from Alemu, farmer in Abune Ginde Beret
Quote from Alemu, farmer in Abune Ginde Beret


Icon Spende

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Helping People to Help Themselves

Taking Measures across All Areas of Life

Ethiopians face a variety of challenges. The steps taken to overcome these must be equally varied. Since all areas of life are closely interrelated, we make sure that our measures are correspondingly aligned and adjusted to each other- this is essential for providing sustainable change.

Working closely with the local population, our Ethiopian colleagues implement measures in the fields of agriculture, water, education, health and human development and income in the project regions. For more information on what we do and the considerations we make, read the individual subject areas.


Familie in Äthiopien inmitten ihres Gemüsefeldes


Frau mit ihrem kleinen Kind in ihrem eigenen laden in Äthiopien



Äthiopische Kinder in der Schule


What we do beyond our focal areas

It needs a clear path, to reach the goal of sustainable development. That is why providing the infrastructure for easier access to the regions is a central part of our work. Further key aspects include afforestation and reforestation and the protection of natural resources. These issues have always been a matter of the heart for Menschen für Menschen. Only by ensuring this families' livelihoods are protected and preserved.

When the going gets tough, we certainly also provide emergency aid. Thanks to the infrastructure built by Menschen für Menschen, we can ensure that help reaches the people quickly and easily.
Feldarbeiter Äthiopien
Icon Aufforstung


Icon Zufahrtswege

Access Roads

Project areas of the entire Organisation


Menschen für Menschen has been active in Ethiopia since 1981. Our work mainly comprises comprehensive projects furthering long-term development in the chosen project regions. However, occasional projects such as the construction of vocational training centres, the Abdii Borii children's home and the Agro-Technical and Technology College in Harar (ATTC) are implemented outside of our project regions.
Icon Äthiopien

60,000 Square Kilometers of Total Area

comprise the project regions of the overall organisation. This corresponds to about two thirds of the area of Austria.
Icon Menschengruppe

6 Million People

in Ethiopia have benefited from the work of Menschen für Menschen.

16 von 28 Project Regions

have already been completed and the responsibility of preservation handed over to the population and local authorities.

Project Course: Step by Step to Joint Success

Only measures that are planned together with the population and implemented based on dialogue engaged at eye level can have a lasting positive effect. Therefore, our employees work together with the local population throughout the entire process on developing successes that last. Continue reading for details on how we plan and implement our projects: From the selection of the project region to reviewing our work.
Mitarbeiter von menschen für Menschen im Projekt

1. Selection

A District becomes a Project Region

Even before the actual project work starts, it is the population itself who takes the first step. Represented by parishioners or councils of elders, Menschen für Menschen is asked for support. Whether a Woreda (a district) then becomes a project region depends on two important factors: Whether enough financial resources are available and what the situation in the region is like. In general Menschen für Menschen chooses remote regions that are in great need.
Mädchen in Äthiopien schöpft Wasser aus einer Pfütze

2. Planning

Measures and Budget

The needs and challenges of a region are identified in a so-called baseline study. Based on this study a project plan is created, which includes descriptions of the actions to be taken and their desired long-term effects, as well as the necessary budget.
Männer in Äthiopien bauen einen Brunnen

3. Implementation

Project work with the Population

Together with the population, the colleagues implement the outlined measures in the project region. In doing so, they follow a natural chronological order e.g., micro-credit programs are only implemented when women have been considerably relieved of miscellaneous work, for example by building wells.
Mitarbeiter von menschen für menschen macht Foto von einem neuen Brunnen

4. Monitoring

Internal and external quality control

Monitoring of our measures begins right with their implementation. Aside from purely quantitative examinations, we use case studies to benchmark their effect on the daily lives of the local population. Independent experts regularly perform additional evaluations of our work.
Mädchen in Äthiopien holt Wasser von einem neuen Brunnen

5. Completion

A project region comes to its conclusion

It takes roughly 10 to 15 years to equip a region with a solid base for further development. Transferring responsibility for the implemented measures is done gradually and usually begins right after their completion. Once our work is done, the local population can still count on a small team of observers if they ever need help.
Weisse Frau sitzt in Äthiopien in einer Gruppe von Menschen

6. Evaluation

The seed continues to grow

So called “Ex-Post-Evaluations” examine the effect of our work 5 years after the completion of a region. They are vital in understanding whether the implemented measures bear fruit long-term and are accepted and continued by the local population.